Today a client of mine in Mexico contacted me about the transfer of their membership interest in an LLC upon their death. He had recently been told he had the “Pig Flu” or Swine Flu as we call it in the United States. Hopefully his case is not bad and he will make a full recovery.
His question was simple and perhaps the answer may help others so I am writing about it. He wanted to know whether his membership interest would become his business partners upon his death. Generally a business interest will transfer upon death by a will or trust and not have a payable on death designation. While it would be possible to create a payable on death designation on a small business interest it is not very common. As a result I suggested that the simplest way to deal with the transfer of his interest upon his death would be to do so with a will or other estate planning documents.
Every year people unexpectedly die from regular cases of the flu or other illnesses. Many individuals make changes to their estate planning documents when there are significant changes in their life such as a birth, death, child, move, major financial change. Perhaps the Swine Flu should be a wake up call for the majority of Americans who have no estate planning documents. With out Florida Estate Planning Documents the state of Florida will decide who receives your assets and who would raise your minor children. To review your Florida Estate Planning Documents Contact a Jacksonville Estate Planning Lawyer