
LGBT Population increases 60% in Broward County Florida

Gay Flag Pole.jpgProvincetown, Massachusetts is the new LGBT place to be.

The Williams Institute of Census has said that South Florida is one of the top spots for LGBT population Growth. Florida is the last state to declare the ban on gay adoption as unconstitutional.

According to the 2010 Census, Florida has approximately 65,601 same-sex couple households, a 60 percent leap since the 2000 Census. Read more about same-sex couple household statistics.

As an Orange Park LGBT Rights Attorney it is wise for same-sex couples living together to consult with a Florida attorney. There are no inherent legal rights that apply to same-sex couples in Florida. Legal documents ranging from Deeds to your home, Wills, Designation of Health Care Surrogate, and many other Florida Estate Planning documents and agreements are needed to ensure that you, and your partner, are protected, legally.

With the rise of the gay population in Florida, awareness is needed to inform every partner of a same-sex relationship to seek the counsel of an attorney. When heterosexual couples divorce, there are statutory protections, not so when a gay or lesbian couple split.

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