
Probate: Community Property Definition

In Florida Probate, if an individual acquired assets while living in a community property state, those assets, their proceeds, and income received from the assets may be subject to a different distribution than assets or income that was acquired while living in a non community property state such as Florida. One way to resolve this issue is to have both spouses contribute the property to a revocable living trust.

Community Property:

Property acquired during a marriage and while living in one of the 9 community property states (see below). As a general rule, everything derived from the earnings of either spouse is shared equally by a husband and wife. Each spouse owns only one-half of the community property because the other half belongs to the other spouse. Community property rules can be modified by pre-marital and post-marital agreements made by the spouses. See also separate property, commingle, quasi-community property, and commingle. Florida law is a separate property state. Property that was Community property may retain its character as Community Property though when someone moves from one state such as Arizona to another such as Florida.

Community Property States:

States in which community property laws apply. Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington State and Wisconsin are considered community property states.

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