
Florida Estate Planning Lawyer Blog


Keeping Beneficiaries Informed in Florida

Every trustee of a Florida Trust may have a fundamental duty to keep the trust’s beneficiaries informed of the administration of the trust.  Florida Statute Section 763.0813 provides that a trustee must keep the qualified beneficiaries of the trust “reasonably informed of the trust and its administration.” The statutes do…


Can You Be Punished For Bringing A Lawsuit in Bad Faith Against An Estate?

A will or trust is one of the essential documents that every person should create.  These documents dictate how a person’s assets should pass after death to a personal representative or a trustee.  However, will and trusts are sometimes contested by family members when the documents are legally invalid, or…


Medicaid Liens On A Plaintiff’s Wrongful Death Award

Florida medicaid Liens. Florida residents that suffer from injuries caused by another person are lucky because they can often pay costly medical bills through Medicaid if they qualify for coverage.  Medicaid is a government assistance program that provides long-term health coverage to those with low income and few assets.  It…


Can You Prevent a Marriage in Florida?

Can a Marriage be Prevented in Florida? We often get questions about whether the Fundamental Right to Marry Extends beyond Incapacity? The state constitution of Florida offers every citizen basic fundamental rights.  One of the most important of these rights is a Florida resident’s fundamental right to marry.  The right…


Should Florida Enact a Disinheritance Statute to Prevent Elder Law Abuse?

Elder law is one of the most important legal fields in Florida because it helps address the unique needs of this state’s large elderly population.  One of the growing concerns in the legal community is the rise of elder abuse.   The abuse is frequently under-reported, and worse, the abusers are…


Florida Case Holds Estate Planning Attorney Must Testify in an Undue Influence Trial

Florida’s 3rd District Court of Appeal held on October 26, 201 that an estate planning attorney must break the attorney-client privilege for  deceased client must by testifying in a will contest trial for undue influence.  The trial court ordered the attorney to testify, and the attorney refused.  The attorney appealed…


Are Remainder Beneficiaries entitled to an Accounting in Florida?

Today I received a copy of a recent Florida’s 4th District Court of Appeal dealing with a remainder beneficiary and a the ability to demand an accounting from a revocable trust before the death of a grantor.  John J. Pankauski Sent me a well-written summary of the Case from October…

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