How To Protect Against Elder Abuse A Senate Special Committee on Aging had a hearing in November of 2016, which allowed experts to testify that elder abuse is still a growing problem in the United States. The experts testified that over 5 million elders, or one in ten seniors, that…
Florida Estate Planning Lawyer Blog
Florida Statute Of Limitations on a Will
What is the Florida Statute Of Limitations on a Will? A common question Jacksonville estate planning lawyers are often asked is how long does a person have to Florida will contest a will or what is the statute of limitations to contest a will in Florida. As with most legal…
The Importance of a Florida DNR: Do Not Resuscitate Order
A Florida DNR is a document you will not complete with your Jacksonville Estate Planning Lawyer. Many feel that estate planning is a great area of law because it allows people to plan ahead for how they wish to be treated medically in a scenario when someone is not able…
Jacksonville Will Lawyer: Shows Many Americans Do Not Have A Will
As a Jacksonville Will Lawyer I have seen an alarming trend in Florida. Most Americans live fast-paced lives with long work hours, bills to pay, and mouths to feed. After a long day, the last thing on our minds is our mortality. But studies show that Americans need to be…
Florida Living Trust – What You Should Know About Them
Florida Living Trusts are often the cornerstone of a great estate plan and provide many of our top estate planning clients benefits. Here are a few of the best or most important things that everyone should know about living trusts. In many situations, an asset protection trust can be used…
A Spouse’s Unauthorized Access to Email Could Violate Wiretap Act
While the following article deals with divorce, our readers may consider it terms of accessing emails or online information of a deceased spouse or family member and the potential criminal liability that may be associated with accessing digital assets. Federal wiretapping laws usually do not mix with state divorce proceedings. …
The Consequences of Changing A Trust into a Gift
Trusts are one of the most commonly used estate planning tools by Jacksonville estate planning lawyers for a good reason. A Trust can permit an asset to bypass probate while allowing the original owner the power to control and manage the assets. A trust can also provide asset protection and…
The 5 Most Common Medicaid Myths
In Florida, Medicaid is a federal and state level program that offers health care assistance to members of the program. Medicaid is a complicated program that is administered differently on a state-by-state basis. There are many common misunderstandings regarding Medicaid. This article will help to debunk some common myths and…
Zsa Zsa Gabor Estate
Zsa Zsa Gabor is one of the latest celebrity deaths to sadden America. The actress passed away at 99 years old and was known for being one of Hollywood’s first stars due to her colorful personality. She was also known for her many marriages and divorces. Gabor married nine times,…
Guardianship Fraud in Florida
According to recent censuses and polls, experts project Americans that are 65-and-older will double over the next three decades due to a large number of baby boomers. This means the current population of 65 and older persons should explode from the current rate of 48 million to almost 90 million…