Florida Estate Planning Lawyer Blog


Jacksonville Probate Attorney: Missing Beneficiaries

Jacksonville Probate: How to Handle Missing Beneficiaries Jacksonville probate attorneys often deal with a beneficiary that is alive, but no one knows this person’s address.  If a beneficiary goes missing or cannot be found, then there are a few options including using professional heir search companies. The first place to…


Asset Protection Trusts Can Be Effective Prenuptial Agreements

Florida Asset Protection Trusts and Domestic Asset Protection Trusts Can Be Effective Prenuptial Agreements Planning for a divorce is never easy or fun, but divorce is an unfortunate reality in today’s world where almost half of all marriages end in divorce.  Without legal planning, a spouse seeking a divorce is…


A Spendthrift Provision Can Protect Against Civil Judgments

Yes A Spendthrift Provisions Can Protect Against Civil Judgments What is a Spendthrift Provision? One of the best forms of asset protection we can provide is through a trust that contains a spendthrift provision.  In a revocable trust, a spendthrift provision has some significant benefits such as protection against your…

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