
Florida Estate Planning Lawyer Blog


Free Florida Health Care Power of Attorney from Law Office of David M. Goldman

A medical power of attorney or Health Care Surrogate is an essential document.  With the current situation in Florida, we feel that everyone should be able to designate who they would like to make medical decisions if they are unable. We have modified our Designation of Health Care Surrogate so…


Florida Guardian Advocacy: How do I remain the Guardian of my special needs child?

Florida Guardian Advocacy: How do I remain the Guardian of my special needs child? In Florida, remaining the Guardian of my special needs child upon reaching the age of majority, 18 years requires the parent to become the legal Guardian of the child through the Court system. Becoming a guardian is a…


Florida Guardianship Examining Committee: What must the reports include?

Florida Guardianship Examining Committee: What must the reports include? In a Florida Guardianship, what must be included in the Florida Guardianship Examining Committee Members’ reports? This September, the District Court of Appeal for the Fourth District of Florida examined the requirements of Examining Committee Members’ reports in Cook v. Cook. The Florida…


Florida Guardianship Abuse: Palm Beach Guardian under Fire

Florida Guardianship Abuse: Palm Beach Guardian under Fire Florida Guardianship Abuse is unfortunately far too common as many retirees flock to Florida for retirement. Retirees move to Florida to enjoy the beaches, sunshine and tax advantages. At any given time, there are 30,000 to 40,000 open guardianships cases being overseen…


Can a Durable Power of Attorney be signed if a Guardianship is needed in Florida?

Can a Durable Power of Attorney be signed if a Guardianship is needed in Florida? A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows a competent adult to decide whom can make financial and healthcare decisions for them when they cannot. A competent adult can make his or…


What is the Guardianship Process of an Adult in Florida?

What is the Guardianship Process of an Adult in Florida? The Guardianship Process of an adult in Florida refers to the court procedure whereby an individual is appointed a guardian. The Guardianship Process is the judicial remedy that allows another individual to protect and exercise the legal rights of another…

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