
New Estate Tax Exemptions May Effect the Florida Wife

169849_tax.jpgThe estate tax exemption has increased to $5 million dollars for the years 2011 and 2012. Why would this effect you? Many Florida Wills are drawn up to distribute your spouse’s assets to your children in an amount equal to the federal exemption amount, and the remainder of the assets to you. In other words, if the total assets of your husband is $5 million and his Will directs that the federal estate exemption amount goes to your kids, with the remainder to you, and your spouse dies (in 2011 and 2012),that would leave you with 0 (ZERO).

Florida Estate Planning Lesson: Make time to not only talk to your accountant about the tax laws and exemptions and how they may effect you, but schedule an appointment with a Ponte Vedra Estate Planning Attorney. An experienced Estate Planning Attorney can review your Wills and give you and your spouse the necessary advice to make sure you are protected from future loss of inheritance.

Ponte Vedra Wives who may not have a spouse worth millions, don’t relax. You also need to consult with Florida Attorneys who specialize in Estate Planning to ensure that whatever assets you and your husband do have, are distributed according to your wishes and plan.

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