
Lesbian and Gay Estate Planning for Couples

gay dollerimages.jpgAs a Florida lesbian and gay person in a committed relationship, you know that living in Jacksonville does not afford you the same legal rights as if you were in a relationship with a legally recognized spouse. Not only will you be ineligible to receive survivor social security benefits, or other government benefits when your same-sex partner dies, but, If you don’t have written documents in place, many partners will lose property, assets, access to their children, and the right to make medical and financial decisions.

Creating Estate Planning Documents in Jacksonville is the process of determining what you want to happen to your estate, once you are gone, which includes all the rights, titles and interests that you have in the property you own.

It is important for you to safeguard what you do have and consult with a Jacksonville Estate Planning Attorney who is sensitive to the issues prevalent in same-sex couples, to discuss the Estate Planning distribution methods which will allow you to provide for your surviving partner.

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