a Jacksonville Foreclosure Lawyersknows that foreclosures in your neighborhood hurt property values. Good news for Texas residents, Today they have help in dealing with property values and the taxes related to them.
Homeowners in neighborhoods that have been hurt by homes with foreclosures might find some relief. The new Teas law requires appraisal districts to consider properties that have been foreclosed on when determining a home’s value. Homeowners in other states including Texas and Florida have complained that appraisal districts have excluded foreclosed properties and those with distressed resale values when setting some home values.
With as many as 1 in 6 homes in Florida facing a potential foreclosure, these values must be used to help determine real market value of the homes in an area.
If you need help determining if Florida Foreclosure Defense is a viable option in your circumstances contact a Florida Foreclosure Lawyer or Jacksonville Foreclosure Lawyers to review your circumstances.
For more information on Jacksonville or Florida Foreclosure Defense See the Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers Blog.