
Florida Advance Directives for Gay and Lesbians

file0001130641378.jpgIf you are gay or lesbian in Ponte Vedra or the Jacksonville area, having properly prepared Florida Advance Directives is essential. Whether you are young, healthy, and believe you will live forever, the fact remains, that if you wait until illness, injury, or disability to strike, you will not have a voice in your own future health care.

Florida Advance Directives are written documents created by statutory authority that express your wishes and desires concerning many aspects of your future health care. A Florida Living Will expresses your wishes for the type of life-prolonging procedures as well as pain alleviating medications you want in the event you suffer certain serious medical conditions. A Designation of Health Care Surrogate and HIPAA Release will allow you to choose the person you want to make your health care decisions in the event of your future disability, as well as to give that person authority to obtain and review your medical records.

Don’t wait until you are unable to make your own decisions. Contact a Jacksonville, Florida Gay and Lesbian Rights Attorney to discuss how these legal documents are vital to your maintaining control of your future healthcare.

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