
Elder Law Lawyers look to Alzheimers Research

happy_elderly_couple_americare.jpgAs Jacksonville Elder Law Lawyers, we are always looking for the most effective and least restrictive ways in which to serve the needs of our Jacksonville elderly. We keep current of the Florida statutes and the numerous Florida cases which interpret matters involving Florida’s senior citizens.

Elder law encompasses many aspects, including estate planning, guardianship, medicaid issues, and of course, health care issues. As Florida Elder Law Attorneys, we also look to various research and articles throughout the nation which focuses on issues related to aging.

Recently an interesting article caught our attention dealing with coconut oil and it’s effect on those suffering with dementia and Alzheimers. We want to share information we learn of that may have a positive impact on your lives. This article addresses alternative medical treatment.

Coconut oil, once thought to be harmful due to elevating cholesterol levels, actually has numerous positive influences on human health. While pure non hydrogenated coconut oil does in fact raise cholesterol levels it is the good (HDL) cholesterol that is influenced. Although there is little evidence at this point to support it, some leading researchers believe that Alzheimer’s, dementia, ADHD and other central nervous system impairments can be helped with the use of pure coconut oil.

Glucose is the primary nutritional source for brain cells. Some conditions impair the body’s ability to utilize glucose and as a consequence brain cells do not function optimally and will ultimately die.

Recent research along with antidotal testimonials suggest that the median chain triglycerides can provide a source of ketone to brain cells that acts as an alternative to glucose. Some patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia have seen improvement in cognitive, emotional and physical function with the use of pure coconut oil.

If you would like information or direction with an elderly person in your life, consult with a Jacksonville Elder Law Lawyer.

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