
Is your Enhanced Life Estate Deed Valid?

signing.jpgAll Florida Enhanced Life Estate Deed or Florida LadyBird Deed (Enhanced Life Estate Deed) are not created Equal.
In the past, I have had clients come to me for help when a title company would not accept the language on an Florida Enhanced Life Estate Deed or Florida LadyBird Deed (Enhanced Life Estate Deed). Each title company has specific language that they look for in the deed. As as result we have had several title companies review our deeds and make recommendations. We took these and complied them into a single form that satisfied all of their requirements.

If the title company is not happy with your current deed, they can refuse to write title insurance. As title insurance is required by every commercial lender in Florida when a home is sold, this can create a problem when you want to sell your home. In some cases, we have had to open or reopen a probate case to get the judge to issue an order to clear up the title concerns.

Often these deeds are used to avoid the delays and expenses of Florida Probate, not create ineligibility periods for medicaid, allow for stepped up basis, and not create unnecessary gift tax. If you would like to create an Florida Enhanced Life Estate Deed or Florida LadyBird Deed (Enhanced Life Estate Deed) or have your deed reviewed please Contact a Florida Estate Planning Lawyer.

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