
Homestead Exemption Crackdown

Most Florida Estate Planning Lawyer deal with planning for the unexpected and protecting your assets for those after we are gone. Part of this protection and planning often involves the use of the Florida Homestead. The Homestead Exemption is not exclusive to Florida. A recent case, a New York Representative is accused of claiming a Homestead exemption for a home located in Washington, D.C.

The homestead exemption varies from location to location, but it generally applies to one’s primary home. Recently government officials have noted that even though this exemption was established in the late 1800s, still only few today take advantage of it.

Tax officials in several locations around the country, including Florida, have begun to crackdown on the number fraudulent claims that are being reported every year. The New York Times reported that Jennifer Frastai, City manager of Hallandale Florida, has begun an intensive effort to stop fraudulent homestead claims.

In Florida there are two homesteads. This article is dealing with the property tax credit with is often confused from the homestead that protects your residence from attacks by most creditors. While many states offer homestead credits for taxes, few offer unlimited protection from creditors. If you would like someone to review your estate planning documents to see if you qualify for either type of Florida Homestead Exemption, contact your local Florida Estate Planning Lawyer today.

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