
Free Florida Probate Forms? Do they exist?

Often after someone dies in Florida, their families look to save money and open handle the probate without the use of a lawyer. In some states this is permitted, but in most cases Florida does not permit an individual to represent themselves in a Probate Proceeding. This is why probate forms are not available for Florida.

One reason individuals are not allowed to do their own probate deals with the complexity of the issues surrounding the Florida Constitutions protections of the homestead. If one does not take the right steps they could loose or jeopardize their homestead protection.

Florida Probate Rule 5.030 requries an attorney licenced in the state of Florida to be involved with probate proceedings, unless the personal representative remains the sole interested person.

If you feel that a Florida homestead of assets of a Florida resident may be at risk because of an inadvertent error or mistake, Contact a Florida Probate Lawyer to discuss your situation.

Jacksonville Probate Lawyer, David Goldman has put together a Florida Probate Handbook that is being offered free to readers and visitors of his websites. If you would like a copy, visit the Free Florida Probate Handbook web page, fill out the form, and one will be sent to you within 24 hours by email.

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