
Florida Estate Planning: Financial Details

When you die, someone has to know hot to determine or what the details of your financial life are

It is important to make a comprehensive list of assets, liabilities, life insurance policies, power of attorney, Florida will, credit cards, details of bank accounts and all other important financial information.

The problem is that once you pass away, an executor or personal representative has to go through all of your document to figure out where assets may be located.

Recently a range of self-help products have emerged. The paper, and computer based products are available in many office supply stores. Many people who have a Florida Will or other Florida Estate Planning Documents, do not have a system for keeping the other information organized so that after passing, the Florida Probate process can be simplified.

Think about someone unfamiliar with your filing system trying to figure out where you have banks, stocks, Cd’s, private investments, loans, debts, and everything else you keep in your mind but not on paper. Often the lack of an organized system increases the cost of the Fees associated with using a Florida Probate Lawyer.

Your Florida Estate Planning Lawyer, should be able to give you advice on what you need to make a list to simplify the Florida Probate process.

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