
Estate Planning Tips For Gun Collectors – Gun Trust Lawyer®

If you own firearms and have done estate planning, you might want to review your planning with a Gun Trust Lawyer®. About 5 years ago, I recognized the problems that are inherent with traditional estate planning (wills, revocable trusts, or the default planning offered by each state) as they relate to firearms.

Most Estate Planning is designed to deal with financial instruments and not the issues that surround the purchase, transfer, possession, and use of firearms.

Did you know that you will or trust probably contains language that instructs your family and friends to break the law after you die? Before you put your family and friends at risk of violating the law or giving a firearm to someone who you would not want to hand a gun, you should talk to your Florida Estate Planning Lawyer about creating a Gun Trust.

While gun trusts are great for regular firearms they have additional advantages when it comes to the purchase, use, possession, and transfer of the more restricted firearms like those sold by Dealers with Class 3 SOT licenses.

To learn more about Gun Trusts, visit the NFA Gun Trust Lawyer® blog

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