
Durable Power Of Attorney, Living Will, Trusts: & Co-Agents

Jacksonville Estate Planning Attorney, Orange park, Jacksonville BeachOften Estate Planning clients struggle with their spouse or self over who to pick as an agent to represent them in a Florida Durable Powers of Attorney ( Financial decisions), Florida Living will & Designation of Health Care Surrogate ( Health care decisions) and Revocable Trusts (Financial Management).

Initially clients might thing of using a Co-Agent. This can cause many problems and unforeseen circumstances and must be done with the correct expectations and knowledge of the potential problems. Michael Keenan has an article discussing several of these issues, titled Be Careful With Co-Agents. In summary, before choosing co-agents you should consider whether they get along well with each other, and what to do if they do not in the future.

In addition, what if one lives far away or moves after the documents are created. Some hospitals or financial institutions may require that both act together unless each co-agent has “several powers” or “joint and several powers” This can be difficult and impracticable. You put your financial and health interest at risk due to delay in execution of the documents.

Both Michael Keenan and David Goldman, a Jacksonville Estate Planning Lawyer & Attorney, recommend that unless there are extraordinary situations taking place, the use of co-agents should allow for flexibility and/or the ability for each to act independently.

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