
Donating Your Body for research in Florida

Most Florida medical schools will accept donation of bodies (complete with organs). Florida Medical schools will use them for research and instruction.

Generally after the body is used, it will be cremated by the school. If requested most schools will return the remains if requested. Individuals and schools are not permitted to pay for a body, but they will pay for the transportation costs as well as the final disposition costs. These types of arrangements need to be made in advance but there are some institutions that will accept a donation at the death with the written permission of the next of kin.

Here is a list of Florida Medical Schools. If you live in a state with no medical school or one that has strict requirements you may also contact the national Anatomical service 24 hours a day at 1-800-727-0700.

State of – Florida Medical Schools
Florida State University College of Medicine (COM)
UF College of Medicine
University of Miami School of Medicine
Univeristy of South Florida College of Medicine

Sometimes it is a good idea to have a backup institution in mind as some schools can reject bodies if organs are removed, death occurs during surgery, the institution has to many bodies, or physical conditions or diseases present at the time of death.

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