
Does Ex-Wife Have Rights to Personal Property?

If you die without a will in Florida, your ex-wife has no rights to any of your personal property unless you have her named a beneficiary in a will or trust or your personal accounts have her listed as a joint account holder or a beneficiary on an account.

Generally most people do not intend to leave their ex-spouse money or property. If you do want to, then its important to make sure you document will be honored. If you will or trust was created before the divorce, then the ex-spouse will be treated as predeceasing you.

If someone who takes personal property of a decedent, they can be subject to criminal charges. It may be necessary to open a Florida Probate to pursue recover of the items that belong to the estate and then distribute them to the correct beneficiaries.

If you are involved in an estate where property is missing or has been taken by the wrong person, contact a Florida Probate attorney to discuss your circumstances by filling out the contact us form on this page.

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