
Creating a Florida Dynasty Trust

asset-protection-cash.jpgFlorida Dynasty Trusts are generally used to keep assets within your family members or descendants. The person who creates this type of trust usually has significant assets which are far in excess of $1,000,000 which they want to protect from the misuse or dissipation of family members. A Florida Dynasty Trust can also protect the assets within the trust from the reach of future creditors of your born and unborn family members.

Florida is a great state in which to create a Dynasty Trust. This type of trust is regulated by state law, so where a person decides to create the trust will govern which state’s law will regulate the trust. Florida’s state law allows for a person to create a Trust for the benefit of another (usually children or grandchildren) plus 360 years after that benefited person has died. This is a longer than many states that have a limit of 21 years after the death of the beneficiary who was alive at the time the trust was created.

There are many options that need to be considered when creating a Florida Dynasty Trust such as who the trust’s assets (income and/or principal) should vest in and which state law the trust should be interpreted under. A Florida Dynasty Trust may be able to protect your assets from creditors even though you live in another state. To contact a Florida Irrevocable Trust Attorney. For more information on Florida Trusts please contact us to discuss your specific goals and circumstances or visit the Florida Estate Planning Lawyer Blog for general information.

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