
Articles Posted in Living Trust / Revocable Trust


IRA Rollover and Estate Planning: Why you might not qualify?

Starting January 1, 2008 every non-spouse designated beneficiary will have the option to rollover an inherited IRA and stretch distributions. To take advantage of this opportunity your Florida estate plan must be setup correctly to qualify for this rollover opportunity. You are not entitled to a rollover, you must prove…


Florida Trust Code and Creditors Rights

There have been many revisions to Florida’s Trust Code and I have touched on some of them on this blog in the past. There have been major changes to creditors rights. Creditors cannot compel distributions from or attach or otherwise reach a beneficiary’s interest in a third party discretionary trust…


Trust Mills (seminars) pay $7.2 Million in Settlement

Next time you attend a Living trust seminar in Jacksonville Florida or where ever you live, you may want to think twice. This week Family First Advanced Estate Planning, and insurance company, and a life insurance company who targeted low cost estate planning to seniors settled with the Attorney General…


Do it yourself Estate Planning: Bad News Part 8

Could you imagine an Estate Planning Lawyer selling wills or estate planning documents with a disclaimer in small print that your documents may not be valid in Louisiana or some other state. Today I found another example of when using quicken is a bad idea. Paul Rabalais the author of…


Why Create a Florida Trust

A Florida Trusts are created to fulfill different needs and obligations. Today people find it necessary to protect their investments and properly allocate their resources while taking the least risks with regards to finances. A Jacksonville Trust Lawyer can help you analyze your assets and determine if a Living Trust…


Estate Planing is Not a One Time Event

When was the last time you sat down with someone to review your Floria trust, Florida will, Florida power of attorney, health care directive, and other documents intended to make sure that your assets will be managed and distributed according to your wishes? If it has been longer than a…


Maximizing Charitable Gifting in Your Estate Plan

Many Florida residents include language in their Florida estate planning documents which leave either a fixed sum or a percentage of their estate to one or more charities. The most common gift is an outright bequest of property to a named charity from a Florida Will or Florida Revocable Trust.…


Multi State Estate Planning Techniques

Many people who have reached the age of retirement split their time between Florida and another state. Since we are at the prime time of year for this to be happening I thought it appropriate as a Florida Estate Planning Lawyer to write about some of the issues of Estate…

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