As loved ones age, they usually require assistance with their everyday lives, including managing their money. Most people work around this by adding a family member to their account or setting it up as a convenience account. While both accomplish the same goal, they have slightly different impacts on the…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
People who have been to a major Florida city, including Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa or Miami, will have no doubt noticed the massive influx of electronic scooters, bikes and skateboards. These vehicles are often ridden on sidewalks, to the chagrin of pedestrians, and on the sides of the road, to the…
Understanding the Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act: What It Is and Where We Are Headed – Part 2
In Part 1 of our article on Understanding the Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act, we introduced the recently enacted Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act (FUFIPA) and the 2002 Florida Uniform Principal and Income Act (FPIA) that it replaced. This…
Understanding the Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act: What It Is and Where We Are Headed – Part 1
Florida has been growing incredibly quickly. According to a study by U.S. News and World Report, the state was one of the top five places people moved in 2024, and Fort Myers, Florida, was the fastest-growing place of the year.[i] Florida cities comprise 7 of the top 10 spots on…
Cryptocurrency and Florida Estate Planning
Will It Include My Wallets? – Questions and (some) Answers About Estate Planning With Cryptocurrency. Over the past 15 years, cryptocurrency has slowly become an integrated part of society and day-to-day life. Gas stations have Bitcoin ATMs, famous athletes and celebrities (in)famously starred in a commercial for a Cryptocurrency venture…
What is Better in Florida? A Will or a Trust?
One of the most common questions we receive is: “What is Better in Florida? A Will or a Trust?” Many clients that we work with think that if they live in Florida and have signed a Florida Last Will and Testament, they no longer have to worry about a probate…
Florida Estate Planning and Elder Law – What is the difference?
Florida Estate planning and Florida elder law planning are two distinct areas of law that often overlap, as they both involve preparing for the future and ensuring the well-being of individuals and their families. However, they have different areas of focus. Florida Estate planning lawyers primarily deal with the management…
Estate Planning for Families Facing Addiction
Addiction is a serious illness that effects millions of families. Over 7,000 people died from overdose in Florida in 2020, the second most of any state (Statistics from Riverside Recovery, Tampa). Aside from illicit drug use, addictions to gambling, alcohol, or prescription medications can be just as dangerous and no…
Thought about gifting in 2021 and 2022
There are many reasons you might consider giving your adult children a portion of their inheritance now while you’re alive and well. Maybe you’ve seen your nest egg grow thanks to a robust stock market, and you have more in savings than you thought you would at this stage of…
The 99.5% Act – Time to Rethink Your Estate Plan?
While many do not think all of the “For the 99.5% Act introduced by Bernie Sanders plan on March 25, 2021 will become law, there is certainly concern over the gifting and estate tax portions which would seem to affect more than just the upper 1/2 percent of the US…