First Quarter 2016 In This Issue Should Seniors Enroll In A Medicare Advantage Plan Or Stick With Traditional Medicare? What You Need To Know About Financial Elder Abuse One Of The Most Important Conversations You Should Have With Your Family Should Seniors Enroll In A Medicare Advantage Plan Or Stick…
Articles Posted in Elder Law
Protect Your IRA
I just finished my new book Protect your IRA : Avoid the 5 Common Mistakes! Here is the Table of Contents The 3 Reasons Most People Experience Confusion with Their IRAs Don’t Just Focus on the Taxes Avoid the 5 Common Mistakes Common Mistake #1: Trying to Avoid Income Taxes…
Asset Protection: Can an Irrevocable Trust be Revoked?
Florida Asset Protection Trusts: Can they be changed? In Florida, both revocable and irrevocable trusts are valuable estate planning tools that permit individuals to organize and protect their assets from creditors. The Florida Asset Protection trust is not used by many estate planning lawyers. Asset Protection is an important part…
Elder Law Update 4th Quarter 2015
News and Important information for Seniors and their Families. In this issue, we discuss the following topics. How to Bulletproof your estate plan Trying to treat siblings equally The importance of taking the emotional value of family heirlooms into consideration Taking previous loans or gifts into consideration Proving you’re of…
How Long Does it Take a Guardian to be Appointed By the Court in Florida?
Guardianship of an Adult Obtaining the guardianship of an adult is not a long drawn out process as one might think. If everything goes smoothly and it is not contested by anyone, a guardian is generally appointed in roughly 30 days. Once you have obtained an attorney and a Petition…
Florida Elder Law: tips for taking a vacation
Long-term care is extraordinarily expensive, and the reality is that the majority of America’s senior care providers are in-home family members who provide those services out of the goodness of their hearts. These are usually family members that also have their own lives to live with careers and families of…