As loved ones age, they usually require assistance with their everyday lives, including managing their money. Most people work around this by adding a family member to their account or setting it up as a convenience account. While both accomplish the same goal, they have slightly different impacts on the…
Articles Posted in Elder Law
“Till death do us part” – These words serve as the basis for modern-day marriages. The idea initially was that marriage was a lifelong contract between partners and was only to be broken upon the death of one or both spouses. But what if the best way to save your…
2024 Florida Medicaid Long-Term Care Eligibility for Seniors
The Following limits for Medicaid eligibility for Medicaid for Florida as of 1/1/2024 have been adjusted again. There were changed in the income criteria, maximum amount of assets, and maximum equity in your homestead property. Florida Medicaid Income Limits as of 1/1/2024. The Applicant’s income limits have increased to $2,829/month…
Florida Estate Planning and Elder Law – What is the difference?
Florida Estate planning and Florida elder law planning are two distinct areas of law that often overlap, as they both involve preparing for the future and ensuring the well-being of individuals and their families. However, they have different areas of focus. Florida Estate planning lawyers primarily deal with the management…
How to Select a Senior Living Arrangement for Your Elderly Loved One
How to Select a Senior Living Arrangement for Your Elderly Loved One Moving an older loved one into a new living arrangement is an emotional process. However, feelings aside, there are many practical steps we must take before a decision is made. From how to pay for custodial services to…
Surge on wills: Fearing death by COVID-19, people ask lawyers to write their last wishes
The Miami Herold is reporting the there is a surge in people asking for wills to be written. The article states: Lawyers are being bombarded with requests to write wills, update estate plans and prepare health surrogate or “pull the plug” documents as people are confronted by the realization…
Important Questions we all want to know about Estate Planning
In Florida, an estate plan provides you a plan for what happens to your assets at your death. Another crucial part of your estate plan, specifically your will, is where one nominates who will be the guardian of any minor children. Although the court will decide what’s in the best…
The most important job of a Florida Guardian
The most important job of a Florida Guardian The most important job of a Florida Guardian is to ALWAYS act in the Best Interests of the Ward. A Florida Guardian is a person appointed by a court to take care of someone who cannot care for himself or herself. The…
Can a Durable Power of Attorney be signed if a Guardianship is needed in Florida?
Can a Durable Power of Attorney be signed if a Guardianship is needed in Florida? A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows a competent adult to decide whom can make financial and healthcare decisions for them when they cannot. A competent adult can make his or…
VA Final Rule change
For several years the VA has been working on changes to the rules for qualification of certain benefits dealing with transfers, a look back period, assets in trust, and income. Tomorrow the following rule change will be published, watch for some analysis on this and how it has changed in…