
Articles Posted in Asset Protection


Securing Your Assets and Health

According to the United States Census Bureau, the state of Florida has the highest Population Change and Net Migration of any other state, from the years 1975-2000. As is common knowledge, the baby-boomer generation is growing into retirement age, which increases the likelihood of periods of disability. There are two…


Creating a Florida Dynasty Trust

Florida Dynasty Trusts are generally used to keep assets within your family members or descendants. The person who creates this type of trust usually has significant assets which are far in excess of $1,000,000 which they want to protect from the misuse or dissipation of family members. A Florida Dynasty…


Recent Changes for Retirement Accounts in Florida

If you have a Retirement Account in the State of Florida, a recently enacted law will provide your heirs stronger asset protection in Florida. An individual Retirement Account is a form of retirement savings that provides tax benefits to the owner of the account. The account is primarily used as…


Oklahoma Law Lets Executors manage Online Social Media Accounts

A new law in Oklahoma appears to let estate executors have the power to access, administer, or terminate online social media accounts of the deceased. This law is in direct contradiction to the licensing arrangements of most online accounts and it has yet to be seen how and if the…

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