Often families have vacation property that has been owned for may years or generations. It would be virtually impossible for most children to acquire or maintain these types of properties in today’s market. We often use business entities or trusts to hold title to the property and other assets to…
Articles Posted in Asset Protection
TBE Bank Accounts and Asset Protection
When protecting one’s assets in Forida a Florida Asset Protection Lawyer will often look at the stying of accounts and other personal property. There are situations when having a Bank account in the name of a husband and wife as tenants by the entireties can offer additional protection from creditors.…
Protecting Assets From a Florida Divorce using an IPUG Trust
In Florida, all marital assets are subject to equitable distribution. If you leave assets to your children in a revocable trust, they can also be at risk to equitable distribution depending on the circumstances and how they are used. If you create an Irrevocable Pure Grantor Trust (IPUG) and leave…
Revocable Living Trusts: Are they now obsolete?
Currently the Revocable Living Trust is the most popular type of trust for estate planning. With the current estate tax exemption at 5 Million dollars, many have begun to ask if there is a need for such a trust. More over the Revocable Living Trust provides no asset protection. Currently…
What is the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid in Florida?
They sound similar. Unfortunately many people do not understand the differences between the two. Most people think Medicare will “care” for them forever but, that is simply not the case. While Medicare and Medicaid sound similar, they are very different government programs. Medicare provides healthcare benefits for the over 65,…
Florida IPUG Trust Lawyer and the Birth of the Irrevocable Pure Grantor Trust
Asset protection is one of the most important planning tools for America’s aging population, especially in our current tumultuous economy. One new tool in protecting your assets is the Irrevocable Pure Grantor Trust — AKA, the iPug™. iPug™ trusts are not based on any state statute, but are instead grounded…
What is an IPUG Trust?
While most people feel they have to be super rich to use Asset Protection trusts an IPUG™ Trust is a Self-Settled Asset Protection Trust for that makes sense for regular people and offers Medicaid compliance that works in all states. It protects client assets from creditors, predators and nursing homes,…
DAP Trust: Dealing with your Digital / Online Rights and Propert Correctly.
Today there is a big hole in most estate plans. Most estate plans do not deal with the property and licence rights that almost all Americans have accumulated with their online lives. What online assets should be concerned with? Email Accounts – Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, Comcast, AOL … Social Networking…
Other Jacksonville Estate Planning Lawyer Blogs and related Sites
Over the past several years the Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC has expanded into several additional practice areas. As these practice areas grown we have been adding staff and creating more informational blogs to help consumers and our clients understand some of the common legal issues. May of…
Taking Advantage of the Florida Housing Market with a LLC
By now, it is impossible to not know of the terrible housing market within the state of Florida with all the news of foreclosure and the like. There are many people that are in a are underwater in terms of home values. However, there are also some people taking advantage…